
正规炒股配资公司 气派科技:公司有息负债余额较大... 正规炒股配资公司 万国国际矿业(03939)拟更名为“万国黄金集团有限公司”... 正规炒股配资公司 攒够1000万人民币退休 Day 181 进度92.1%... 正规炒股配资公司 红利国企ETF(510720)涨0.5%, 上市以来连续8个月... 正规炒股配资公司 万里石:第五届董事会第十九次会议决议公告...


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正规炒股配资公司 攒够1000万人民币退休 Day 181 进度92.1%

发布日期:2024-11-02 21:07    点击次数:201

正规炒股配资公司 攒够1000万人民币退休 Day 181 进度92.1%

Day 181 Interest rates have been cut! I'm a bit confused about why the price of the treasury I bought are falling when a rate cut usually makes them rise. Meanwhile, the RMB is expected to increase, which means my account is moving further away from the target... Our company's stock has risen so much recently that I almost don't recognize it正规炒股配资公司, largely thanks to our impressive company performance. USD Portfolio: • Individual stocks on Robinhood: +$200 • AI investment platform Wealthfront: +$5 • A and HK stocks: +$7 • Pension: -$630 • RSU: +$7390 • Bonds: -$400 RMB Portfolio: • WeiZhong: +¥80 (Mid-Autumn Festival returns updated) • WeiX: +¥6 • Zhi: +¥20 Total USD: $1,034,800 Total RMB: ¥1,903,000 Total assets (in RMB, using Google real-time exchange rate 7.06): ¥9.21 million
Distance to target: ¥790,000

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